package caesar

import (

func TestEncrypt(t *testing.T) {
	var caesarTestData = []struct {
		description string
		input       string
		key         int
		expected    string
			"Basic caesar encryption with letter 'a'",
			"Basic caesar encryption wrap around alphabet on letter 'z'",
			"Encrypt a simple string with caesar encryiption",
			"Encrypt a simple string with key 13",
			"Encrypt a simple string with key -13",
			"With key of 26 output should be the same as the input",
			"no change",
			"no change",
			"Encrypt sentence with key 10",
			"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",
			"dro aesmu lbygx pyh tewzc yfob dro vkji nyq.",
			"Encrypt sentence with key 10",
			"The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.",
			"Dro Aesmu Lbygx Pyh Tewzc yfob dro Vkji Nyq.",
	for _, test := range caesarTestData {
		t.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
			actual := Encrypt(test.input, test.key)
			if actual != test.expected {
				t.Logf("FAIL: %s", test.description)
				t.Fatalf("With input string '%s' and key '%d' was expecting '%s' but actual was '%s'",
					test.input, test.key, test.expected, actual)

func TestDecrypt(t *testing.T) {
	var caesarTestData = []struct {
		description string
		input       string
		key         int
		expected    string
			"Basic caesar decryption with letter 'a'",
			"Basic caesar decryption wrap around alphabet on letter 'z'",
			"Decrypt a simple string with caesar encryiption",
			"Decrypt a simple string with key 13",
			"Decrypt a simple string with key -13",
			"With key of 26 output should be the same as the input",
			"no change",
			"no change",
			"Decrypt sentence with key 10",
			"Dro Aesmu Lbygx Pyh Tewzc yfob dro Vkji Nyq.",
			"The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.",

	for _, test := range caesarTestData {
		t.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
			actual := Decrypt(test.input, test.key)
			if actual != test.expected {
				t.Logf("FAIL: %s", test.description)
				t.Fatalf("With input string '%s' and key '%d' was expecting '%s' but actual was '%s'",
					test.input, test.key, test.expected, actual)

func Example() {
	const (
		key   = 10
		input = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog."

	encryptedText := Encrypt(input, key)
	fmt.Printf("Encrypt=> key: %d, input: %s, encryptedText: %s\n", key, input, encryptedText)

	decryptedText := Decrypt(encryptedText, key)
	fmt.Printf("Decrypt=> key: %d, input: %s, decryptedText: %s\n", key, encryptedText, decryptedText)

	// Output:
	// Encrypt=> key: 10, input: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog., encryptedText: Dro Aesmu Lbygx Pyh Tewzc yfob dro Vkji Nyq.
	// Decrypt=> key: 10, input: Dro Aesmu Lbygx Pyh Tewzc yfob dro Vkji Nyq., decryptedText: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.

Caesar Test