%% Ex. 13 Making a quick plot
x = [0:0.1:20];
y = sin(x);
% remaks : Remarks: This only serves as a very quick example of what Matlab can do in making
% plots.The first line is equivalent to x = [0 0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 19.8 19.9 20]. It
% assigns the content of x which is an array of 201 elements. The "0:0.1:20" means the
% 201 numbers are evenly spaced. They start from 0 and end at 20 with an increment of
% 0.1. The second line gives the content of the new array, y, as
% y = [sin(x(1)) sin(x(2)) sin(x(3)) ... sin(x(200)) sin(x(201))] ,
% or
% y = [sin(0) sin(0.1) sin(0.2) ... sin(19.9) sin(20)] .
% The 3rd line makes a plot of y vs. x.