// https://projecteuler.net/problem=7
// My approach does not use the Sieve of Eratosthenes but that is another common way to approach this problem. Sieve of Atkin is another possibility as well.
const num = 10001
const primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13] // given list of primes you start with
const calculatePrime = (num) => {
// Calculate each next prime by checking each number to see what it's divisible by
let count = primes.length // count number of primes calculated
let current = primes[count - 1] + 1 // current number being assessed if prime
while (count < num) { // repeat while we haven't reached goal number of primes
// go through each prime and see if divisible by the previous primes
let prime = false
primes.some((n, i) => {
if (current % n === 0) {
return true
if (i === count - 1) {
prime = true
if (prime) { // if prime, add to prime list and increment count
count += 1
current += 1
return primes[num - 1]