import os
from itertools import chain
from random import randrange, shuffle

import pytest

from .sol1 import PokerHand

    "4S 3H 2C 7S 5H",
    "9D 8H 2C 6S 7H",
    "2D 6D 9D TH 7D",
    "TC 8C 2S JH 6C",
    "JH 8S TH AH QH",
    "TS KS 5S 9S AC",
    "KD 6S 9D TH AD",
    "KS 8D 4D 9S 4S",  # pair
    "8C 4S KH JS 4D",  # pair
    "QH 8H KD JH 8S",  # pair
    "KC 4H KS 2H 8D",  # pair
    "KD 4S KC 3H 8S",  # pair
    "AH 8S AS KC JH",  # pair
    "3H 4C 4H 3S 2H",  # 2 pairs
    "5S 5D 2C KH KH",  # 2 pairs
    "3C KH 5D 5S KH",  # 2 pairs
    "AS 3C KH AD KH",  # 2 pairs
    "7C 7S 3S 7H 5S",  # 3 of a kind
    "7C 7S KH 2H 7H",  # 3 of a kind
    "AC KH QH AH AS",  # 3 of a kind
    "2H 4D 3C AS 5S",  # straight (low ace)
    "3C 5C 4C 2C 6H",  # straight
    "6S 8S 7S 5H 9H",  # straight
    "JS QS 9H TS KH",  # straight
    "QC KH TS JS AH",  # straight (high ace)
    "8C 9C 5C 3C TC",  # flush
    "3S 8S 9S 5S KS",  # flush
    "4C 5C 9C 8C KC",  # flush
    "JH 8H AH KH QH",  # flush
    "3D 2H 3H 2C 2D",  # full house
    "2H 2C 3S 3H 3D",  # full house
    "KH KC 3S 3H 3D",  # full house
    "JC 6H JS JD JH",  # 4 of a kind
    "JC 7H JS JD JH",  # 4 of a kind
    "JC KH JS JD JH",  # 4 of a kind
    "2S AS 4S 5S 3S",  # straight flush (low ace)
    "2D 6D 3D 4D 5D",  # straight flush
    "5C 6C 3C 7C 4C",  # straight flush
    "JH 9H TH KH QH",  # straight flush
    "JH AH TH KH QH",  # royal flush (high ace straight flush)

    ("2H 3H 4H 5H 6H", "KS AS TS QS JS", "Loss"),
    ("2H 3H 4H 5H 6H", "AS AD AC AH JD", "Win"),
    ("AS AH 2H AD AC", "JS JD JC JH 3D", "Win"),
    ("2S AH 2H AS AC", "JS JD JC JH AD", "Loss"),
    ("2S AH 2H AS AC", "2H 3H 5H 6H 7H", "Win"),
    ("AS 3S 4S 8S 2S", "2H 3H 5H 6H 7H", "Win"),
    ("2H 3H 5H 6H 7H", "2S 3H 4H 5S 6C", "Win"),
    ("2S 3H 4H 5S 6C", "3D 4C 5H 6H 2S", "Tie"),
    ("2S 3H 4H 5S 6C", "AH AC 5H 6H AS", "Win"),
    ("2S 2H 4H 5S 4C", "AH AC 5H 6H AS", "Loss"),
    ("2S 2H 4H 5S 4C", "AH AC 5H 6H 7S", "Win"),
    ("6S AD 7H 4S AS", "AH AC 5H 6H 7S", "Loss"),
    ("2S AH 4H 5S KC", "AH AC 5H 6H 7S", "Loss"),
    ("2S 3H 6H 7S 9C", "7H 3C TH 6H 9S", "Loss"),
    ("4S 5H 6H TS AC", "3S 5H 6H TS AC", "Win"),
    ("2S AH 4H 5S 6C", "AD 4C 5H 6H 2C", "Tie"),
    ("AS AH 3H AD AC", "AS AH 2H AD AC", "Win"),
    ("AH AC 5H 5C QS", "AH AC 5H 5C KS", "Loss"),
    ("AH AC 5H 5C QS", "KH KC 5H 5C QS", "Win"),
    ("7C 7S KH 2H 7H", "3C 3S AH 2H 3H", "Win"),
    ("3C 3S AH 2H 3H", "7C 7S KH 2H 7H", "Loss"),
    ("6H 5H 4H 3H 2H", "5H 4H 3H 2H AH", "Win"),
    ("5H 4H 3H 2H AH", "5H 4H 3H 2H AH", "Tie"),
    ("5H 4H 3H 2H AH", "6H 5H 4H 3H 2H", "Loss"),
    ("AH AD KS KC AC", "AH KD KH AC KC", "Win"),
    ("2H 4D 3C AS 5S", "2H 4D 3C 6S 5S", "Loss"),
    ("2H 3S 3C 3H 2S", "3S 3C 2S 2H 2D", "Win"),
    ("4D 6D 5D 2D JH", "3S 8S 3H TC KH", "Loss"),
    ("4S 6C 8S 3S 7S", "AD KS 2D 7D 7C", "Loss"),
    ("6S 4C 7H 8C 3H", "5H JC AH 9D 9C", "Loss"),
    ("9D 9H JH TC QH", "3C 2S JS 5C 7H", "Win"),
    ("2H TC 8S AD 9S", "4H TS 7H 2C 5C", "Win"),
    ("9D 3S 2C 7S 7C", "JC TD 3C TC 9H", "Loss"),

    ("2H 3H 4H 5H 6H", True),
    ("AS AH 2H AD AC", False),
    ("2H 3H 5H 6H 7H", True),
    ("KS AS TS QS JS", True),
    ("8H 9H QS JS TH", False),
    ("AS 3S 4S 8S 2S", True),

    ("2H 3H 4H 5H 6H", True),
    ("AS AH 2H AD AC", False),
    ("2H 3H 5H 6H 7H", False),
    ("KS AS TS QS JS", True),
    ("8H 9H QS JS TH", True),

    ("2H 4D 3C AS 5S", True, [5, 4, 3, 2, 14]),
    ("2H 5D 3C AS 5S", False, [14, 5, 5, 3, 2]),
    ("JH QD KC AS TS", False, [14, 13, 12, 11, 10]),
    ("9D 3S 2C 7S 7C", False, [9, 7, 7, 3, 2]),

    ("JH AH TH KH QH", 0),
    ("JH 9H TH KH QH", 0),
    ("JC KH JS JD JH", 7),
    ("KH KC 3S 3H 3D", 6),
    ("8C 9C 5C 3C TC", 0),
    ("JS QS 9H TS KH", 0),
    ("7C 7S KH 2H 7H", 3),
    ("3C KH 5D 5S KH", 2),
    ("QH 8H KD JH 8S", 1),
    ("2D 6D 9D TH 7D", 0),

    ("JH AH TH KH QH", 23),
    ("JH 9H TH KH QH", 22),
    ("JC KH JS JD JH", 21),
    ("KH KC 3S 3H 3D", 20),
    ("8C 9C 5C 3C TC", 19),
    ("JS QS 9H TS KH", 18),
    ("7C 7S KH 2H 7H", 17),
    ("3C KH 5D 5S KH", 16),
    ("QH 8H KD JH 8S", 15),
    ("2D 6D 9D TH 7D", 14),

def generate_random_hand():
    play, oppo = randrange(len(SORTED_HANDS)), randrange(len(SORTED_HANDS))
    expected = ["Loss", "Tie", "Win"][(play >= oppo) + (play > oppo)]
    hand, other = SORTED_HANDS[play], SORTED_HANDS[oppo]
    return hand, other, expected

def generate_random_hands(number_of_hands: int = 100):
    return (generate_random_hand() for _ in range(number_of_hands))

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, expected", TEST_FLUSH)
def test_hand_is_flush(hand, expected):
    assert PokerHand(hand)._is_flush() == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, expected", TEST_STRAIGHT)
def test_hand_is_straight(hand, expected):
    assert PokerHand(hand)._is_straight() == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, expected, card_values", TEST_FIVE_HIGH_STRAIGHT)
def test_hand_is_five_high_straight(hand, expected, card_values):
    player = PokerHand(hand)
    assert player._is_five_high_straight() == expected
    assert player._card_values == card_values

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, expected", TEST_KIND)
def test_hand_is_same_kind(hand, expected):
    assert PokerHand(hand)._is_same_kind() == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, expected", TEST_TYPES)
def test_hand_values(hand, expected):
    assert PokerHand(hand)._hand_type == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, other, expected", TEST_COMPARE)
def test_compare_simple(hand, other, expected):
    assert PokerHand(hand).compare_with(PokerHand(other)) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hand, other, expected", generate_random_hands())
def test_compare_random(hand, other, expected):
    assert PokerHand(hand).compare_with(PokerHand(other)) == expected

def test_hand_sorted():
    POKER_HANDS = [PokerHand(hand) for hand in SORTED_HANDS]
    list_copy = POKER_HANDS.copy()
    user_sorted = chain(sorted(list_copy))
    for index, hand in enumerate(user_sorted):
        assert hand == POKER_HANDS[index]

def test_custom_sort_five_high_straight():
    # Test that five high straights are compared correctly.
    pokerhands = [PokerHand("2D AC 3H 4H 5S"), PokerHand("2S 3H 4H 5S 6C")]
    assert pokerhands[0].__str__() == "2S 3H 4H 5S 6C"

def test_multiple_calls_five_high_straight():
    # Multiple calls to five_high_straight function should still return True
    # and shouldn't mutate the list in every call other than the first.
    pokerhand = PokerHand("2C 4S AS 3D 5C")
    expected = True
    expected_card_values = [5, 4, 3, 2, 14]
    for _ in range(10):
        assert pokerhand._is_five_high_straight() == expected
        assert pokerhand._card_values == expected_card_values

def test_euler_project():
    # Problem number 54 from Project Euler
    # Testing from poker_hands.txt file
    answer = 0
    script_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    poker_hands = os.path.join(script_dir, "poker_hands.txt")
    with open(poker_hands) as file_hand:
        for line in file_hand:
            player_hand = line[:14].strip()
            opponent_hand = line[15:].strip()
            player, opponent = PokerHand(player_hand), PokerHand(opponent_hand)
            output = player.compare_with(opponent)
            if output == "Win":
                answer += 1
    assert answer == 376

Test Poker Hand